President’s Day… Another Way of Looking at it!

You’ll never see this day the same way again!

You might have guessed that I don’t see “President’s Day” as the rest of the country does. To me, the real heroes will always be the presidents of companies. Yes, even a 1-person operation is worth celebrating today.

Throughout time, it has been the business owner who has created the jobs, taken the risks, invented the technology, and generally helped to move society forward in so many areas.

It’s the people who dare to step into the role of company President who are the heroes that I celebrate today.

I’ve always been impressed by these people. I’ve always aspired to be one. And I’ve spent the bulk of my career encouraging people to step up and become the President of their own organizations.

For those who are not in business, you are still, and will always be, the President of your own life. You’re the person who decides what’s right, what’s important, and where you want to go. That takes guts and if you’re in this role (as we all are) you set the course, you make to rules, and you get to live with the results – good or bad.

So today, as you think about President’s Day, think about the people who are, just like you, embracing their roles as President of their business, or as President of their lives.

Take a moment and ponder this. If you were truly the person who was making all the rules, the person in charge of your life, the President of it all, what would you do differently than you’re doing today?

Would you be putting up with the things you’ve been putting up with in your life that you don’t enjoy?

Would you be looking for new and better ways to live your life?

Would you have plans in place to build an even more successful business?

Go ahead and give yourself the promotion you truly deserve. Go ahead and sit at the helm of your life and take back the control that’s truly yours.

Go ahead and assume the position of being the President of everything in your life and stop giving away your power.

Celebrate today, not for those people who have served as heads of state, but the real heroes, those that served and continue to serve as the leaders of the companies that make our world work.

If you’ll allow me, I’d like to include YOU in that group.

Live Webcast Today

Today at 7pm EST (4pm PST) you can tune into a very special live webcast where I’ll be sharing some of my favorite strategies for taking a business to all new levels of success.

Point your browser to http://www.MotivationalMarketing.TV

Use the password: motivation and you will be able to watch, listen, and chat with us during the broadcast!

Celebrate the day in style!

Be outstanding!
Robert Imbriale
Robert Imbriale
Master Coach

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